
conscious design

We think its fair to say that growing up in New Zealand has brought us a fairly unparalleled connection to the natural world and the environment we inhabit, and certainly as one gets older, wiser or just plain looks around we can only but hope that our own contribution is doing all it should.

Going on for 10 years ago now Em was designing a worm farm, Nick was designing a stoat trap and Sam was designing some starting blocks for sprinting. All back in a time it seemed when we all felt a new awareness for both design and the impact people were having on the environment was coming to the fore. Its interesting to look back now on those last ten years, and maybe there is a element of myopia there too based on our own unique experiences, but one gets the feeling that there is more talk than ever about the way in which we live and impact our surroundings, yet seemingly very little action towards solving some of these inherent problems we have designed into our ways of living. It's both frustrating and highly invigorating as designers as we are both the analyst and potential catalyst. So often the answers seem all to obvious if only people would engage in the process of actually drilling down into a problem, defining the root issues, and creatively trying to address these in careful and considerate ways that ensure the outcome isn't just window-dressing. 

Design isn't just the lipstick on your pig, it is in fact one of the key problem solving tools becoming ever-more valuable in a world of quadruple bottom lines and the advance of technology in every aspect of our lives. We are all guilty of making hay when the sun shines, but it is our hope here at Indemic that we can indeed be a part of addressing some of the more pressing issues facing our time. In New Zealand we call this Kaitiaki, or Kaitiakitanga

So if you want to talk to us about the next innovation in electric vehicles, systems for increasing the effectiveness of riparian planting, better methods of creating livable structures, or ways to reduce our domestic water footprint, among the many challenges the world is facing, please drop us a line, these are conversations we greatly wish to have.

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